Fighting Perfection

“An absolutely fabulous read, which will have you eagerly awaiting the third book in this series, even if it is to see what happens after the cliffhanger ending given in this book.” –Kylie, Bloggers Down Under

When the universe hands you an impossible choice, how do you decide?

Mimi is finally moving on from some of the most painful moments of her life. And she’s realizing that the man who has stood by her through thick and thin, her best friend, may be harboring more feelings for her than she realized.

But she’s not quite ready to trust again and lets herself get caught up in another whirlwind romance before she can even consider the possibility of something more serious. She can’t help the physical pull she feels toward the new guy. He’s something she never expected, either.

While fighting her feelings for both men, shocking and sinister events threaten her life. Will she even live long enough to make a choice?

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